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Myagmarjargal Purev (Meg) - Past Lives & Spirit Releasement. PLAI Podcast

Myagmarjargal Purev (Meg) - Past Lives & Spirit Releasement. PLAI Podcast

Myagmarjargal Purev (Meg) is a Past Life & Spirit Releasement Therapist from Mongolia, based in Fukuoka, Japan and gives sessions online. Meg is a Psychologist working at the Psychological and Psychometrics Institute of Mongolia, and is now in Japan doing a PhD at Kyushu University. She lectures and does research on the social and cultural psychological aspect of migration. She found Dr. Brian Weiss' books and introduced hypnotherapy into her practice. She took advanced training with me at the Past Life Awakening Institute and now works a lot with Past Life Regression and Spirit Releasement Therapy. Facebook: Hypnotherapy Myagmarjargal Instagram: hypnotherapy.myagmarjargal Apple Podcasts; Spotify; Amazon/Audible; 00:00 Balancing work as a psychotherapist practicing psychotherapy, with Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. 17:30 Growing up in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, with Shamanic and Tibetan Buddhism traditions, as well as science and psychology. 23:16 Myagmarjargal's past lives as a monk that she discovered in her own Past Life Regression with Past Life Regression Therapist Mark Beale, and then training with Mark's Past Life Awakening Institute 32:18 Case Study - a client has relationship issues, then discovers a past life as a European Bishop involved with exorcisms and Dark Force Entities, and another past life as an angry Egyptian Pharaoh making contracts with ETs to gain power 47:56 Key principles for what DFEs (Dark Force Entities) and ETs. 59:02 Approaches to complex Spirit Releasement Therapy. 01:09:53 Myagmarjargal's advice to psychologists and hypnotherapists about doing Past Life Regression and Spirit Releasement Therapy. ___________________________________________________ Go to Mark Beale's Past Life Awakening Institute for; 1) Past Life Regression Therapist - Advanced Training; 2) All Training Courses; 3) Courses at Udemy; 4) Personal Sessions; - Past Life Regression Therapy Sessions - Spirit Releasement Therapy Sessions - Hypnotherapy Sessions - Between Lives Regression Sessions Mark Beale, Trainer & Mentor Past Life Awakening Institute
Past Lives Podcast Ep139 Mark Beale

Past Lives Podcast Ep139 Mark Beale

This week I am talking to Mark Beale. Mark is a clinical hypnotherapist that works in Past Life Regression and Spirit Releasement Therapy. He runs the Past Life Awakening Institute where he trains hypnotherapists in Past Life Regression Therapy and Spirit Releasement Therapy. I studied Mark's Past Life Regression Therapy course and found it to be exceptional. Even though I have a good level of knowledge in this field I learned a great deal and am very happy I chose to enroll on Marks's course. Mark's Bio In 1983 at 10, I first practised hypnosis with my family in New Zealand. However I forgot this and took a career in financial markets, driven by a desire to fund a wanderlust has seen me travel all of my adult life. My first career took me to Hong Kong, London and Sydney. In 1998 at 25 I realised the corporate path was not for me, and took a year long trip to India, to motorcycle and paraglide in the Himalaya, and study yoga and Tibetan Buddhism. In meditation, I had a spontaneous age regression to doing hypnosis at 10, which became an initial awakening to my healers path. A series of awakening experiences followed in the next few years. These featured past life regressions, including recalling being a priest in a ‘sleep temple’ in Egypt, where "I" was essentially practising past life regression 4,500 years ago. I was put onto the spiritual path fully in 1999 at 26, due to a girlfriends spiritual awakening crisis that involved me deeply and required spirit releasement. I integrated my experiences by reading Brian Weiss, studying meditation, kundalini yoga and the superconscious while traveling especially in India, Bali, Nepal and Sri Lanka. By 2006 at 33 I completed studies in hypnotherapy and past life regression in India and became a full-time professional based in Asia ever since, living for 5 years India, and 10 years based around Thailand. I’ve had my own clinic in Goa and Bangalore, and worked at two premier wellness resorts in Thailand alongside a peer group of world class practitioners and a sophisticated and diverse range of international clients. In 2012 at 39 I began training locals and expats from my office and training center in Bangkok. Now I travel the world as a trainer and mentor. I see my role as a) bringing out the potential in newer healers, through certification and mentoring, b) adding a touch of specialist knowledge to already vastly experienced and talented practitioners. I also see my role, by living long in Hindu and Buddhist countries, as being something of a bridge between West and East, and between the therapeutic and the spiritual. a) Therapeutic; half of my students are experienced therapists in areas like hypnotherapy, psychology etc. They want to learn more about spiritual management, to initiate or deal with Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) and Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT). They are already competent to a degree with hypnosis, and emotional and mental management. b) Spiritual; half of my students are experienced spiritual healers, psychics, mediums, reiki practitioners etc. They want to learn more about a therapeutic techniques and a complete process for PLRT and SRT. They want to learn more about hypnosis, and emotional and mental management. They are already competent to a degree with spiritual management. The ultimate authority and integrity to heal comes from each practitioners training, and from the level of their spiritual awakening; this motivates and inspires you to walk the healers path, brings forward your inner abilities, overcomes your blocks, and attracts the souls that seek out your help. I am delighted that we have now connected as members of a healing community and soul group, and trust we can be a source of support and assistance as we walk the healers path and strive to awaken to fully fulfil our spiritual life purpose.
"Сэтгэл гутралын тухай" Сэтгэл судлаач, Японы Кюүшүгийн их сургуулийн Докторант П.Мягмаржаргал

"Сэтгэл гутралын тухай" Сэтгэл судлаач, Японы Кюүшүгийн их сургуулийн Докторант П.Мягмаржаргал

Манай байгууллага дүрслэх урлагийг цогц байдлаар ойлгодог бөгөөд уран бүтээлчид, урлаг судлаачид, кураторууд, менежерүүд, галерей болон музейн мэргэжилтнүүдийг энэ экосистемийн салшгүй хэсэг гэж хардаг. Дүрслэх урлагийн бүх төрлүүд хүмүүнийг судалдаг язгуур шинж чанартай юм. Бусдын болон өөрийн амьдралд тохиосон, тохиож байгаа үзэгдлүүдийг зүрхэндээ тусгаж авах нь хүн судлаач-бүтээлч хүмүүсийн үндсэн шинж чанаруудын нэг гэж бас дүгнэж болох юм. Сэтгэлзүйн эрүүл мэнд бол хүн бүрт хамаатай ч, тэр болгон яригддаггүй сэдэв билээ. Тиймээс ч бид тэр дундаа "сэтгэл гутрал"-ын тухай мэргэжлийн хүний байр суурийг сонсож, соёл урлагийн салбарт ажиллаж байгаа та нартаа хэрэг болох болов уу гэсэн үүднээс та бүхэнд бэлтгэн хүргэж байна аа! Тус видеонд, "сэтгэл гутрал" гэж юу вэ, "сэтгэл гутрал"-ын үндсэн шинжүүд болон ямар хэлбэрээр илэрдэг вэ, "сэтгэл гутрал"-аас хэрхэн сэргийлэх тухай өгүүлсэн байгаа. Бид цаашид энэ сэдвийг олон талаас нь хөндөж явах бөгөөд энэ чиглэлээр хамтарч ажиллах хувь хүн, байгууллагууд бидэнд чөлөөтэй хандаж болно оо! Энэ дашрамд, Монголын Сэтгэлзүй, Сэтгэц Хэмжилзүйн Үндэсний Хүрээлэнгийн Сэтгэл судлаач, Японы Кюүшүгийн их сургуулийн Докторант П.Мягмаржаргалдаа цаг зав гарган, энэ бичлэгийг хийж явуулсанд маш их баярласнаа илэрхийлээд, судалгаанд нь амжилт хүсье! #сэтгэлзүйнэрүүлмэнд #сэтгэлгутрал
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